The Insights Center features ideas, tools and resources on applying behavioral science to causes worth caring about. It includes the tools and thinking developed over nearly two decades of building behavior change campaigns and products. We hope they help you and your cause with the art and science of using behavior to spark real change.
GoFinding Tomorrow’s Firefighters
Finding volunteer firefighters is harder than ever. As the old guard ages out, fire companies must appeal to a new generation of Americans with different aspirations, life balance expectations, living patterns and career trajectories. To break through, the National Volunteer Fire Council turned to Marketing for Change Co. What emerged was the “Find the Fighter in You” campaign, a message of universal appeal supported by a suite of online platforms, messaging tools and other recruiting support designed for community-level use.

Today, thousands of departments across the country are tapping into the NVFC portal built by Marketing for Change. Volunteer leaders can customize campaign materials for their community, track prospects in their recruiting funnel and place volunteer opportunities on the platform that is promoted nationally, searchable by zip code and feeds into more general volunteer opportunity bulletin boards.

Marketing for Change has also supported NVFC’s efforts to help departments retain volunteers, ensure safety and encourage healthy behaviors. NVFC’s Serve Strong program is anchored in qualitative and quantitative research that showed firefighters are motivated more to stay healthy to support their crew than to protect their own health or longevity.